20 Mar

Maine Treasures Off-Ice Victories: Giving Back to The Local Community

A special congratulations to Jack Stelter and Ryan Besenjak for being featured in article on Illinois West Conference website highlighting Maine Hockey's Community outreach.  

See Full Article here

27 Feb

Maine Hockey Wins Illinois West Cup

Congrats to the Maine Hockey JV team as they won the Illinois West  Cup with a 4-3 win in overtime vs Lincoln Way

27 Feb

Maine Hockey Wins Illinois West McKeague Cup

Congrats to the Maine Hockey Varsity team as they won the Illinois West McKeague Cup with a 6-5 win in overtime vs DuPage Stars

4 Feb

Girls Team - Illinois All Stars

Congratulations to our Girls Illinois All Starts Sofia Napolitano, Carolyn Bomely, Alexis Brown, and Abigail Schrantz represent Maine Hockey in the All Star Game!! Congratulations girls!

Girls Game will be played - Sunday, March 10 6:30 p.m at Fifth Third Ice Arena

4 Feb

JV - Illinois West ALL STAR

Congratulations to our JV All Starts.  Shane Rothenberger, Gavin Brich, Stephen Ronan, and Joey Murphy represent Maine Hockey in the All Star Game!!  Congratulations boys!

JV Game will be played - Sunday March 10th 3:30pm at Rocket Ice Arena

3 Feb

Varsity Illinois West All Stars

Congratulations to our Varsity All Stars. Ethan Fogarty and George Lohens represent Maine Hockey in the All Star Game!! Congratulations boys!

Varsity Game will be played - Sunday March 10th 6:00pm at Rocket Ice Arena

10 Dec

Season of Giving

4 Dec

Congrats to the Players who made National Honor Society!

Congratulations to the Maine Hockey Players who have been selected to participate in the National Honor Society.

Ryan Besenjak

Walker Bruce

Anthony Campanelli

Ronan Kirwan

Matthew Marcucci

Patrick McGovern

Anthony Sarno

They Join teammates Ethan Fogarty, Ryan Moore, Jack Stelter, and Hayden Weber

5 Nov

Varsity and JV Mad City Champions!!!

Both the JV and Varsity Teams took home the championship this weekend in Madison!


11 Sep

2023/2024 Coach Fitz Humanitarian Scholarship Award

Congratulations to Seniors Ryan Besenjak and Jack Stelter for earning the 2023/2024 Coach Fitz Humanitarian Scholarship Award

The award is based on any hockey player within the Maine Hockey Team who goes above and beyond in the area of community service outside of the hockey rink.

Jack and Ryan performed the exact same amount of service. Ryan and Jack each performed 43 hours of community service representing Maine Hockey over the course of the year.

As recipients of this award, each player will be displaying a green shamrock on their Maine Hockey jerseys for the entire season to showcase their hard work.

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